Welcome to Alphas Directory,
a place to find all Alphas listed in their main location and also where they are touring.
If you would like to be listed click HERE.
88 Listings Found
Alphasdirectory.com is a platform to display strong, dominant, alphas. Any person that choose to display their profiles here are doing so by their own choice.
Alphasdirectory.com do not provide a booking service nor arrange meetings in any way. Any price / deposit / payment / payment systems indicated in any profiles is written by the individual themselves and has no connection whatsoever to alphasdirectory.com in any way.
It is the responsibility of the parties involved when making contact to check / verify anything that is required with any individual involved, based on each individual’s own choices and complying with any and all relevant laws.
Alphasdirectory.com takes no legal responsibility for any communication that takes place due to contact information on this website. All contact information is provided by the individuals wishing to display their profile on this website, therefore they are responsible for managing and taking the necessary steps to ensure all parties involved are safe and complying with any and all laws relevant to them and the country they are in. Again, alphasdirectory.com has no connection to this in any way.
Be Kind and Courteous
We’re all in this together to create a welcoming platform for all to enjoy. Let’s treat everyone with respect.
Respect Everyone’s Privacy
Being part of this community requires mutual trust. What’s shared in the community should stay in the community.
Prohibited Behaviour
Prohibited behaviour will not be tolerated and could result in your profile being removed and being blacklisted for any future advertising on this website.
Such behaviour includes, but is not limited to:
Targeted harassment
We consider targeted behaviour as malicious, unreciprocated, and intended to humiliate or degrade an individual(s). Examples, but not limited to;
* Sharing unverified information regarding a fellow service provider or customer.
* Mentioning users with malicious content.
Encouraging or calling for others to harass an individual or group
We prohibit behaviour that encourages others to harass or target specific individuals or groups of people with abuse or false claims.
No Hate Speech or Bullying
Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed.
Defamation / Slander
The action of damaging the good reputation of someone. To make a false and damaging statement about someone.
If enough evidence is presented and any of the above prohibited behaviour is displayed you may still appear on the blacklist even if you do not have a profile on the website, to warn other users. Malicious and targeted behaviour will not be tolerated.